Thursday, April 14, 2016

Maiden Voyage

So I know that it has been awhile, because I let myself get distracted and etc. All of them are really excuses. 

For the first time in my life I own a car. I have named her Penelope! She is a cutie and I love her. Lets just say that we have bonded a lot these last few days. First off, when she had a slow leak in her tire. So I took her to get it fixed at a tire service place, lets just say that they weren't as helpful as they could have been. They told me that my alignment was out of place and that I would have to get new tires, because it was rubbing my tires in the wrong spot. They said that they couldn't fix it because of liability issues. Inside I was thinking, 'you can't plug the hole??' I went in hoping to get it fixed, but found out that they just wanted to take advantage of me (you would have to have been there to understand their tactics). So I went to another place that told me that they could fix the leak in my tire no problem. Then I went to another more trusted mechanic, they said that the alignment was only a little out of place. Not enough to cause that problem. But that in fact it was my bearing that were loose and that I would need new ones. Got her all fixed up. Gassed her up; took her home and loaded her up for the maiden voyage. My first time driving by myself to school. It took two days to get here, but I made it. Luckily, alive and all in one piece. I have only to thank Heavenly Father and his angels, and all those who prayed for me to travel safely. I seriously could not have done it without them. I am not just saying that either. I mean it with my whole soul. I have said prayers of gratitude and thanks for the protection and safety. I also have prayed for those whom helped me on my way and made this all possible. My heart is brimming with happiness and gratitude. Also, my body hurts like the dickens cause it was a 21 (maybe more) hour drive over all, with little sleep because of the time change and stress. I am also torn between standing and wanting to sit. 

I am thankful to be able to start another school year. Hopefully, I will have great roommates and enjoy this semester. I really hope and pray that I can study hard and do well in my classes. I want to finish school as soon as possible. I will just have to work hard to do so. 

I also have a wonderful family. I will miss them terribly while I am away. I hope that they stay safe and have many blessings poured abundantly upon them. I can not express the depths of my love for them in words. It is something that you will have to feel.

A Month and A Half Later....

"Just because it's not happening right now, doesn't mean that it never will"

So it has been a while since I have written yet again. I must apologize. I have been busy with school and socializing. So far the semester is going great. I like my classes. I have a lot of new friends. I am improving myself in being able to be my true self. Which is always a great thing.

I enjoyed listening to General Conference. I learned so much. I am excited to hear from the new Apostles, who have been called. I will miss those who have passed on, but I know that the Lord needed them. Their testimonies and faithfulness have touched my life for the better.

I have been able to love so many more people this semester and I will always be thankful for that. Sometimes it can be challenging, but so worth it to learn how to open my heart to those around me. I love my new roommates and hope and pray that they will be able to achieve all that they wish to achieve and become. Seriously, the Lord has blessed me with so much. I know that I needed to be with these girls. They have taught me patience and have helped be to be able to learn how to control my feelings of frustration and anger. (This can be hard for me to do).

I have been able to go to the temple with them. That is even a greater blessing. I know that Heavenly Father wants me to go and He gave me people who would want to go to the temple. I am so thankful for the many blessings that make up my life. Sometimes when I think about my blessing and just how much the Lord has given me and still gives me, my heart swells with love and happiness. I know that this life would be so much more difficult without Him in it.

I know that I am suppose to be here in my life. Where I go after this, I don't know, but I do know that the Lord will never let me face it alone. Knowing that He is always with me, makes it easier to do what He asks of me.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

The Start of My Junior Year

The direction in which education starts a man will determine his future in life.  

Wow! I am about to start my junior year of college. It doesn't feel like I am a junior already. But here I am. I am also diving into my major classes, which is fantastic and scary. I also get to move into my new apartment this weekend! It is newly renovated and it is the first time that the apartment complex will be boys and girls. This will be my first time living in such a complex. 

I am excited to be go back, probably because I will have a purpose (meaning school and homework, and a social life). I would rather have all the fun than the work. But then who doesn't? Speaking of a social life, last night this guy asked me out for next week. So sometime next week I will have a date. I am starting off the semester with a date. Look at me go! This has seriously never happened before. 

Well, I have had a great summer and I know that it is time for me to go back to school and I am so excited! Wish me luck, cause I am going to need it. 

Friday, August 14, 2015

The Summer Break

"Create a life that feels good on the inside, not one that just looks good on the outside."
So it is the third week of my summer break and it is great. I have been veggin' on the couch watching TV, reading books, sleeping (okay not that much sleep), eating (a lot of eating of ice cream especially). Just chillin' and it is so nice. I don't want it to end. I don't want to go back to school and have all that stress back on my shoulders. But I can do hard things! (At least that is what I tell myself.)

Of course the people that I am staying with do give me chores, so don't worry I haven't gotten that lazy. I go sweep the drive way, weed the garden beds and driveway, sweep the floors, mop, clean my room, and whatever else I am assigned.

Anyway, I have also hung out with friends who are still around for the summer break, we have gone bridge jumping, night climbing, gone to a drive in theatre, and I am going to hang out with them again tomorrow. It is nice and weird at the same time to hang out with people my own age since the break started. I am use to being around a family and it is weird for me to go be around people my age and I feel awkward around them. Not that the situation is awkward, that is just how I feel. So it will be interesting to see how the Fall semester goes.

Also there is this guy that started texting me today. He hasn't texted me for awhile, so..... The only reason that I say that is because He is interested in me apparently and is supposedly going to ask me out on a date. (Not that I am suppose to know that, but that is what I was told.) So I am suppose to be surprised when He asks me out. But it has been awhile since the he said that to his parents who told the parents that I am staying with. So we will see what happens. Either guys ask me out or they don't. And if they do ask me out, its only once. There is one exception though, one guy did ask me out twice, but the first time is was cause I was right there and He needed a date and the second time was because the mutual friend that we meet through was out of town and He asked me out a second time.

Anyways, life is good. I am enjoying myself and thought that it was time to update my blog. Till next time....

Sunday, July 19, 2015

The End Comes Again

                  "If you are on the right path, it will always be uphill."                                                            ~Henry B Eyring  
Once again it is the end of another great semester. This is my fourth semester and I have had great roommates. I am doing well in my classes, I have bonded with great women and I will miss them. Two of my roommates got engaged over this semester. One is getting married later this week and the other later this year. I am going to be rooming again with a few of my roommates again this upcoming fall semester. So there will be seven weeks until we see each other  again.

I have had a lot of fun this semester. I have gone to a play on campus, called Steel Magnolias. They did a great job. I have gone to Utah with some friends for the Fourth of July. I have gone swimming, walking, running, to the temple, cooked, met new people, and a bunch of other things. I have learned much about planning a wedding and a lot of things that gone into making it happen. I have learned a lot about relationships. (Even though I am still single). I have learned a lot about myself. Of course there was school and classes where I learned much as well.

Heavenly Father has blessed me so much. With protection, with love, patience, comfort, and peace. He has given me wonderful roommates, who I have come to love, great friends, a fun FHE group, times of laughter, many memories that I will cherish. I am so glad that He is the one who guides me through my life. If He didn't, my life would be a big old mess. Well...a lot worse than it is. The only reason my life is a mess is cause I am human and still make mistakes. I have the means to make good food. I am so thankful that He protects me.

I am thankful to the wonderful friends who are taking me in for the seven week break of school. They are wonderful people and deserve the best. I am so lucky to know them. I bet that I will have a great time with them.

Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Father's Day!!

"The best way to make children good is to make them happy."
                            ~Oscar Wild 

I love my Father!! I am so blessed that He is my Father and that he loves me. He is a great man who does His best to live a life that full of love and laughter. He does His best to emulate Heavenly Father and His example of fatherhood. My Father by doing so has helped me to develop a deeper love of Heavenly Father. I will always be grateful for Him for doing so. I hope that my Father has a great day being surround my family and loved ones.

I also want to express my gratitude for Heavenly Father, whom is a wonderful father. He has truly blessed my life so much and I can only show him my gratitude by obeying His commandments and Prophets. I know that He knows that I love Him, but I want to continue to show him what He truly means to me. So today I am going to do my best to keep the Sabbath holy and to be willing to put away worldly things especially for Him.

I am thankful that there is a day where we can celebrate Father's and all that they do. Also for all the men who have touched our lives to help us on the path of life. So put aside your own needs today to express to those men around you what they mean to you and how they have touched your life. Thank you men who have taken on the role of Fatherhood and are doing their best to raise their children with love, kindness, laughter, and respect. Thank you again and again for all that you have done.

Thursday, May 21, 2015

It's Been Awhile....

"We don't meet people by accident. They are meant to cross our path." 
So, we all know how I was nervous about meeting and moving back to my apartment. But let me but those worries to rest. I love my new roommates! I am so lucky to have them in my life. They are really great women and they are really chill. I know that I am suppose to be here with them at this time. Really, as soon as I met them I had peace and it just got better and better the more I got to know them. I feel so blessed that I have a whole semester to get to know them.

So far this semester is going great. I have been doing well in my classes and in getting my homework done. I am really happy with that. I have also been making more friends in my class. Which is nice since that means I am branching out more. I am also making a ton of new friends in and out of school. 

I know that this will sound silly to some, but to me it is great strides in my life. I am so proud of myself. I feel more confident within myself and that just makes me so happy. I feel like I am become the person that I want to be. I just feel so blessed to have this happening to me. Also, my roommates are telling that they really like me and that the are so glad that they are able to know me and to get to know me. They are so uplifting and I feel so lucky to be with them.

My FHE brothers are really nice was well. They are a good group of boys. They really like to do sports or some kind of active game. They are really funny as well and....cute (if I am being honest). Last Saturday, they invited us to watch the Jurassic Park and I mean one though three. I have never really seen them all the way through. So I went and it was a lot of fun. I didn't get to finish the third one though, because of curfew. But that is okay. It was fun. 

I have also been going to the Temple and that just makes everything better. Seriously, though everyone there is so happy and nice and willing to serve. It is so nice to go there and to get away from the world and all the worries that go with it. To feel peace and joy, it is what I want. Also doing service as well is great. 

I just feel so blessed and I know that it is from Heavenly Father. I know that He loves me and is guiding me through this life and helping me to become a better person. The person He knows that I can become and I want to become. I love Heavenly Father so much and I want Him to know it by words and actions. I know that He knows my heart, but I want to prove myself to Him.